Ma and Pa Kettle-like Porch...

This little porch/gazebo had been on my mind for a while.  Meanwhile, my friend's family built her one...sigh.  So this summer when my grandkids, John and Addy, were with us a couple of days each week, we enlisted their help.  Well, their efforts along with lots of Hubby help, went way beyond my expectations. 

                                           I even love it in the winter!!!

We didn't buy anything except some final screws.  Otherwise, we used the boards from my daughter's old deck (floor, frame and roof supports), parts from old screen houses (back wall and side railings, leftover steel siding from our little red barn (roof) and porch posts that we found in the pole barn!!!

Can't wait to have coffee and read and play with Kenzie in the spring!!!

Take care, 

