A wonderful spring day Upnorth in MN!

In Minnesota we wait patiently for spring every year.  This year it came quickly and overwhelmed us with warmth and sunshine!  Our yards and fields need rain but this early appearance allowed the farmers to get their fields ready and many have crops planted.  They are way ahead of schedule and with the expected rain this weekend we're praying for bumper crops this year.  Our farm is small - just 10 acres.  No fields of crops for us - just raised beds with a few tomatoes, pole beans, rhubarb, snap peas, white onions and maybe a few pepper plants.

I've planted my pansies in the barrel out by the flagpole, in the cement planters by the arbor, a few in a wooden box along the pathway to the house, and a few in the window boxes outside my kitchen.  As I write this I can see them - still short but blooming with more buds waiting to open. 

I haven't had much luck with daffodils in the past but this year I have multiple blooms out by the garden shed.  I wonder what makes these want to bloom and the others just wave their leaves as the breezes blow.

I don't like microwave popcorn so I make it like my Mom used to make it - in her Dutch oven.  My recipe consists of 3 Tbls. canola oil and 1/2 cup yellow popcorn kernels.

My gas stove is turned on high and I wait until the kernels stop popping. Add 2 or 3 Tbls. melted butter and salt.  My grandson, John, and granddaughter, Addy, think I make the best popcorn and that's the highest compliment for me!

On our first trip to our favorite greenhouse on Monday afternoon, we (hubby and I) bought a fun piece of garden art.  I love all things rusty so this fit right in to our outdoor decorating.  I'm not sure where it should go yet so I just stuck it into the first garden I saw.

As you can see, the perennials are coming up and the crab apple tree will be blooming soon.  The birds are so busy getting ready for their new future families.  The Canadian geese were very talkative about 8:30 tonite.  I thought it was a whole field full of geese but only two of them creating lots of noise.

I'm not really a Farmgirl but I live on a farm, barn and all.  I love knowing when I'm away from home that I have this wonderful 10 acres to return to and care for.  Unless you've lived in the country, you might not understand how I feel.  I love my barn.  It's over one hundred years old and its made out of Tamarack trees.  I wish I had the money to restore it...the roof needs some TLC but the barn will stand longer than I will. 

Check back again - I want to show you some things I've made. 

From the farm,

