Snow Days

It wasn't easy getting out of the house yesterday...but Hubby squeezed out so he could shovel snow away from the door, a path to the edge of the deck and down the steps.  Our dog, Honey, came out, looked around and headed back to the house.  So Hubby went down the steps and shoveled a path so she could go...literally...go.

Today all the snow has been shoveled and blown so we can get ready for the next snow at the end of the week.  Whew!  We sure have had our share this winter but so have other parts of the country.  Enough!!!

The insurance adjuster was here today to check out my barn.  It seems to us to be a total loss...the foundation is buckling along with the ends of the barn.  He was very nice and will have our depreciated estimate (100 yrs. old) in a week or so.  Should be an interesting read.

I had another cooking day today.  Chicken noodle soup, spaghetti meat sauce, granola/chocolate chip cookies and a green salad are prepared and ready to eat.  We are bringing lunch to relatives tomorrow who sound like they might need some chicken soup for starters.  The winter is getting long for those of us who are able to get out and about.  For our mature friends and relatives, it gets depressing and dangerous to venture out.

If you have a friend or relative who might be house bound, see if they would like company or a bowl of homemade chicken soup.  It might be just what the Doctor ordered.



  1. You are sucha kind soul...and your cooking sounds fabulous!

  2. oh wow. you have got a lot of snow!!!!
    i dont have any here..... its all sunshine and 60-80 degrees here....... sigh.

  3. Thanks, Cindy! Food is a great gift when it turns out! and sometimes it really doesn't!

    sweet pea - we do have lots of snow and we had 50 degrees last week so we lost lots and now we have lots more! Good thing some melted! Lucky warm you!


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