Let's see - a week at the resort to help them open for the season, purchasing a house, finishing projects for the quilt sale, and setting up for tomorrow's quilt show and sale. A few of the reasons I'm a little late in posting.
I needed to stop, listen to the birds and smell the fresh, cool air coming in the windows tonight.
Now I'm better!
I have a special red bowl that I fill with grape jelly when I see the first Baltimore Oriole. It works every time and usually doesn't take but a few minutes for them to find it. I had set out a white bowl with jelly too so the male and female could eat at the same time....they won't touch the white bowl.
Mr. B. Oriole at his favorite red bowl...I wonder what his Dr. says about his sugar levels. They are always at the trough! Their song is so interesting and distinctive.
My best friend, my husband, helped me plant four tomato plants last night. I think Romas grown in our garden are so flavorful. We grow Early Girls also because we have such a short growing season Up North. We added a Champion tomato this year. Having raised beds allows the tomatoes to grow wild. I will show you later in the season.
My daughters (and their families) gave me wonderful plants for Mother's Day! Alissa gave me a beautiful pink rose to add to my rose garden. Her husband, John, has chosen roses for me for four years I think! They have all survived and flourished. They are tough because I am not a rose expert at all.
Jen gave me a beautiful hybrid petunia. I have never had such a full basket of petunias. It needs to be deadheaded so I will get to that this weekend. I have decided to leave it on the table - it is so thick and full that it dries out each day so I think it will be easier to keep watered by using it as a centerpiece for my deck table. I love the red and purple together...don't you?
The lilacs are almost done...I didn't get a very good picture but you get the idea anyway...one of my favorite flowers! The purple ones are quite old - not sure how old but pretty old. We planted the French double white one maybe 6 years ago. It has really grown in the last couple of years. It's right outside my kitchen window but down below the deck - now its higher than my window. I might have to trim it so I can see beyond it. One year a bird built a nest in it so we could watch the family as it grew. There is always something fun going on around the house somewhere. I have about 8 large lilac bushes. Never enough - hope to get a slip for a really dark purple one from Val at the new German bakery in town. It's Bob's favorite.
I have about 50 plants to get in planters or a garden so tomorrow after the quilt show I better get busy. Well - bless me - I am definitely allergic to something that is blooming because I have sneezed quite a bit in the last few days!
I have a book of Heart Warmers on my desk so I will share a warmer with you today. "Learn from the mistakes of others. You can't live long enough to make them all yourself." And on that note I'm going to go do something, even if its wrong!!!
Farmgirl Bonnie
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