Reporting on Shopping Saturday!

Shopping on Saturday with my two friends, Pam and Lynn, was so much fun!  We were off to St. Paul to find a little quilt shop tucked on the side of one end of a strip mall.  Pam is a creative, clever long arm quilter who loves to create contemporary quilts.  Lynn and I are more conventional quilters...Lynn likes the Up North theme with darker, richer colors in her quilts.  I tend to like 30's and floral prints for my quilts.  So to say that Pam was in her element is diminishing the smile on her face as she entered this quilt shop.  Faye is the owner of Twin Cities Quilting and is also a long arm quilter.  Long arm quilters take our pieced tops and with the batting and back make our quilts come alive!  Well - not really breathing alive but they sure do look more lovely when the quilting is done.

Lots of samples of quilts hung on the walls and we were awestruck with the designs, colors and quality quilting.  We each found our niche at the shop and here are the fabrics that I will be working on.

I'm making the bottom one with the Baltimore Oriole

I love poppies and this will be a table cloth for my kitchen
After a great Mexican buffet lunch, we were off to another quilt shop.  Rosebud's Cottage in White Bear Lake where I had to have these fabrics.

I'm not sure what these fabrics will be when I grow up.
It was a very full day - full of laughter, food and shopping!  I got home, made supper and then took an unscheduled nap.  After which I finally finished my second locker hooked journal cover.  It is made of muslin and red pillow ticking -  nice and plump and feels good as you carry it around to record important stuff.

I added yo yo's and a large pearl button as a closure.
I had a great time and found such wonderful treasures!  Spending time with good friends is priceless...

Have you taken the time to enjoy your friends lately?

Take care,



  1. LOVE the poppy! I just bought poppy gift paper at Target the other day. Love me some poppies.

  2. It was kinda funny after I bought the poppy fabric, my friend reminded us she was leaving for Santa Fe soon. I told her of my love of Georgia O'Keefe's life and told her to make sure to go to Ghost Ranch where she painted so many wonderful paintings. We walked into Ol' Mexico for lunch and there was O'Keefe's red poppy painting on the wall. I have a print of her orange poppies. I might have to look for the red one! Thanks for stopping by!

  3. im so glad you had a good day, bonnie.


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