Project-mania and then some!

In spite of the dreary and wet weather, the projects are getting completed!  The Hubby is doing better than I am.  I need knobs!!!  I need 8 of them to complete my vanity...I really only need 4 but I think 8 will look good.  The original handles were long and I don't want to put metal handles back on so I'm opting for round wood ones...two for each hole left from the long handle.

Here's a taste of what will be offered at our occasional sale on Friday and Saturday.

Hubby working on the base of the dresser
the mirror will be added
It's called a "marriage" and I love it!
Just an old headboard
now a cute garden bench!
A great looking high top cafe table, two stools - 
and a menu board!
I really like this caned rocker - we have two other caned chairs that are unique
and match this warm colored wood rocker.  Excellent condition.

Tomorrow I get my drawer knobs and then I'll show you my completed "Oh so vain" Vanity. 

I will be living on caffeine for the next few days unless I can sleep with all the ideas I have running around my head and only a few days left to get them done!!! 

Gotta go!



  1. Those pieces are pretty cool. Your work to do sounds like so much more fun than my work to do right now.

  2. Dear Bonnie:
    I'm sorry it's been so long since I've posted or responded to your letter.

    I am LOVING all of your current projects-especially the ADORABLE bench!

    Talk to you more later!


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