And then...

Like I was telling you yesterday, the day of our sale was brutally hot and humid...  not fit for animal or vegetable.  We knew that we were in for some pretty bad storms.  When we heard they were about 50 miles away and were heading right toward us, we began to move the outside stuff in.  By 6:00 we were in the house and watching the weather.

The Potatoe Wagon Lady called from town about 9 miles away at 6:40 and said the sirens were going off in town and could Hubby go out and latch the window in her wagon.  So Hubby gingerly went out in the thunder and lightning and got the window latched.

A few minutes later the storm hit - the kind with straight line winds of 70+ miles an hour with rain going horizontal.  We had some small size hail and lots and lots of rain and wind. 

Nothing fell on the house, new barn or our other buildings, but here are a few pictures of the damage we had.  We were without electric for about 38 hours and that first night we showered using cleansing wipes!!!  Not that fun but we were able to open the sale the next morning and had another crazy busy day!

Our "Open Today" sign in a broken pile!
My favorite tree is leaning and has to be cut down...sob!
I think if one main part of the branch is trimmed off
it will get better but I guess it poses a falling
 on someone or on my new sidewalk.
  Now I'll have to move my wheelbarrows with my lettuce
 and snap peas to another shady place. 
It's such a wonderful tree, don't you think???
Hubby moved branches out of the way
 so customers could get in the driveway.
My tumble of copper tomato cages - only two tomatoes
 fell off but the rhubarb got messed up.
The tops of two of my Jack Pines are now at the bottom of the tree.
  Twisted them right off.
So tomorrow maybe the tree guy will come and give us an estimate on taking my lovely tree is another loss along with my barn.   It's been shading this house since 1949 I would imagine and maybe before that.  Doggone Mother Nature and her weather this year!!!

Must rest up so we can begin the clean up tomorrow!

Take care,



  1. Oh no, I am so sorry about your tree !! I would be so upset if one of our trees had to be removed , they are all old too ! I am glad the house and barn are okay and that your sale went well despite the weather !!


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