The Birds...

Fall is only a day or so old but the birds have been gathering for the better part of a month now.  It's the first sign for me that summer is coming to an end and my favorite time of the year is beginning.  Hopefully, fall will last a long time - well, we know that won't happen but I can dream, can't I???

My friend came to visit the other day...her favorite color is orange so I think fall is her favorite time also.  Right before she got here, I heard this tremendous noise - squawking to be more accurate.  I looked out the window and the tree was alive with blackbirds and they were making their voices heard!

Look at all the noisy birds!!!
Alfred Hitchcock, The Birds (1963), forever impacted my life and influenced my fear of millions of squawking birds...I fear they will attack me and so I stayed in the house until they flew away in silence.  I will forever remember the look on Tippi Hedrin's face when the birds attacked her.  (big shiver...)

Otherwise, I love fall - the flutter of the falling leaves, pumpkins, farmer's markets and the crunch of acorns.  Time to go for a drive and see the beautiful colors of the trees...

Take care,


  1. Hey Bonnie, it is my favorate time of year too !! We are still so warm, I do not think our fall witll start for a while still.
    We get trees full of birds and I have found if I got outside and clap my hands, they will take off , DAvid finds this endlessly amusing , lol !! Now he has to do that everytime he sees them too !!
    I remember that movie also and the big groups of birds remind me of that movie whenever I see the trees full , but then I go out and clap and they fly away !!
    I hope your fall is here and ours follows soon !!

  2. Hey Steph! I suppose your colors won't be so pretty this year without the moisture they need. I have been thinking good thoughts and sending prayers for rain for you and your farmers down there.

    When I was painting stuff for the sale the other day, I would hear this big woosh sound only to look up and see great herds/flocks of birds flying up - weird sound - I guess I'm a little bit jumpy when I'm out in the wild countryside!!!

    Have a great day - hope you get some relief from the heat and some rain!!!


  3. I always makes me sad that fall is the shortest of all the seasons. But I love the the color and the smell. AND...I heard it is going to be very colorful because of the summer moisture. Awesome. Have a great day... see you in a couple of weeks.


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