Will I Ever Be Organized???

Last weekend, we started to get organized.  I had help from my grand kids, John and Addy.  Oh to have their energy.  They came in the door asking to help me and we got started.

Now who doesn't need a colander hat?  with ears?

Looking a little like Caesar with his crown of roses!

We did have fun but we did work!  All the upholstery sample books are now down from upstairs and out to the barn for our next sale.

Then we started on the little bedroom where all kinds of boxes are stored with all kinds of treasures waiting to be painted, assembled, and/or marked for sale.  I had to sort so now the kitchen is a mess and the little bedroom looks better.  The ironing board is almost empty so I can actually iron on it again.

We always take time to make something so they made journals with leather pieces and Scrabble pieces.  Cool!

They also got to make a snow track to slide down on the mound system...using cardboard because of course all of our sleds are for decoration and are hanging on the pole barn wall.  They had fun and it was fun to see them out in the snow!

Back to organizing my taxes and then more organizing!

Take care and hug a kid!!!  I did!



  1. Looks like a fun day with your Grands!!!
    I'm so looking forward to SPRING!!

    1. We do have fun! Looking forward to spring too, Deb. Winds were blowing all day - we have huge drifts!!! Spring tomorrow...oh well some day!

  2. Hi Helen! Thanks for including me in your review! I need to go check it out!


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