As I Sit And Consider...

All week long we've been expecting more heat and humidity at the end of it!  But it's been so lovely here - a nice cool breeze and overcast skies.  I love spring and fall so this is so perfect for me!!!

I've finally found someone to help me get my gardens and yard in order and she did an amazing job this week.  She spent 6 hours getting things back in order around the house.  My gratitude is overflowing!!!  

Next week its the raised gardens in the middle of our circular driveway.  She already planted beans and Morning Glories in the middle bed so we're going to hope everything blooms and produces before the frost.  We are really late but we're willing to give it the old Minnesota try!

The cardboard will kill the grass - no grass to mow around!  We'll mulch. 

 I planted my three tomatoes in vintage wheelbarrows..they all have tomatoes on them!

Too many plants - all perennials and a volunteer daisy made herself at home!
My two Early Girls!

My Stellas are in full bloom today - so pretty!
Now I can sit in my screen house and not feel so guilty about not being out in the gardens!  I thank my lucky stars for my new helper!!!

Take care,



  1. LOL about Annie and the bag of muffins! Good dog!
    I wish I had a garden helper! Lots of weeds this year! Yours look great! Love your deck!

    1. Thanks, Deb! I just can't garden much - the heat, my back and various other stuff to accomplish. So lucky to have found could have quite a good business up here. Most of my friends want to schedule her but until she catches me up, she says she will do mine. Annie is a funny dog - we love her so! Thanks for visiting...have to catch up with you and my other blogger friends. So busy just making and selling stuff! Yay!

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  3. I featured your blog awhile back on The Wednesday Weekly Review #19. I thought I had your email saved, but apparently not! Oh well.

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