Picture taken when it was almost dark out and misty! |
We met my old friends for breakfast - funny how you just pick up where you left off years ago. Fun to ask how this friend or that friend is doing. So much to talk about that we interrupted each other...
Since we moved to our farm in 2000, we have met many new friends. Some I met while quilting and some at church and some at exercise. I can't believe how easy it was to slip into this community and settle down here knowing no one! Good times with old and new friends.
We just had out last sale in our little red barn - it was a difficult decision but seems to take too much energy now to have sales here. We still have an outlet for our stuff so we will continue to make our repurposed and recycled things. The stress level will be more level - the pressure more evenly distributed through the year instead of a heaping load of it when we have all the responsibility of our sale at our farm.
Fun things a-brewing in our barn now that she's retired from sales! |
So now its time to get working again - the supplies keep coming in with the UPS and FedEx trucks so I better be creating stuff right and left!!! After all, the Holiday Open House is only 5 weeks away! Yikes!
A great day of fall colors and old friends and new treasures!
Took this picture way past dusk... |
Take care,
So happy that you can still be a "junker" with an outlet. I have a strange little bookshelf that I got from your barn years ago. Still love it. Sometimes its on the floor and sometimes it's above my fake fireplace. It has also changed colors several times not sure what will happen next.