Mother Nature Has Gone Bonkers!!!

I don't want to spend my winter months in the South - I don't mind winter in a normal year.  However, Mother Nature is frazzling my nerves now.  We had about 10 inches of snow since yesterday and now the winds are blowing at about 30+ mph.  

So My Hero had blown a path for us and our dog, Annie, that allowed us to get to the pole barn where our vehicles are parked so if we wanted to venture out we could.  Not so much anymore.  Annie was able to run for a short time...not anymore until tomorrow maybe.  She loves to run...

With the fierce winds, we're back to square one and the terrain has changed once again.  It's drifting in different areas now with drifts at 3 feet deep and more!

I'm just saying if its still windy in the morning, I'll just hunker down here for the duration and mosey on out in the spring.

Oh yes - the snow plow hasn't ventured down our road yet and it started this craziness at about 10 a.m. yesterday!!!

Hubby making his way through the snow with Annie trying to follow.

Annie did not want to come in even if she couldn't move in the drifts!!!

Hubby making his way inch by inch when the drifts were higher than the blower!

Success!  A path!  But not so much any more...

So tomorrow is another day with more snow blowing and it will be colder - like only 18 degrees or less. 

We know spring will come but she definitely is not in a hurry this year!!!

Take care and think positive thoughts for us up north!




  1. Replies
    1. I bet you can't pile it much higher either, Deb!!! Lots of time to craft but I'm in a funk right now...hopefully this week I will get a little creative!

      Take care,

  2. Oh goodness!!! My brother lives in Minnesota and he sent me picks of the drifts...It looked like mountains and he lives on flat terrain ...You poor things!



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