It's Farmgirls Country Sale time again!

The weather man just said that - because the trees are blooming, the nights are staying warm enough to let the blossoms open.  So little chance of frost - maybe just a light frost possible but not in the next weeks.  Yay!

This year we are doing a spring sale in our little barn so each day I try to spend at least part of the afternoon out in my shop painting and creating and upholstering, etc.

Last fall's sale....we have lots outside already!

 So I thought I would show you a couple of projects that I am working on...

A vintage shelf with book.magazine rack and hooks.

I used Reclaim paint and then contact paper to cover a rough area.

A little vintage 1/2 table in tough shape.

I painted it red so I didn't have to fight with the stain bleeding through!
 After talking with my daughter and Hubby, we decided to hold the sale at both of our barns with finished and unfinished projects for sale.
Way in the back of this picture is the other barn with more sale stuff.

Our theme this sale is going to be funky colors - furniture, garden things, my Junk Jewelry, Jen's lovely jewelry, Hubby's recycled creations, Alissa's green projects, fun pillows, colorful mirrors, wreaths, and more will be featured!

Mark your calendar for Farmgirls Country Sale on Fri., June 10, 9 - 5, and Sat., June 11, 9 - 3.  We sure hope to see you in one of the barns!!!

More before and after projects soon!

Take care,



  1. Replies
    1. Thanks, Deb. I hope so - so much work. Hope you are having a great spring...tomorrow 85 - wow!


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