Making a Table Mat...

It has been quite a while since I actually followed a pattern and pieced a quilted item.  It is lots of work and tedious since I've been away from it for so long!!!  Just trying to remember all the little rules and hints was what you can cut bigger so when you are done that you can trim to the right size, etc.

I bought three table mat kits so my two daughters and I could make them together.  There isn't enough time in their lives to spend a day or two sewing together so I thought it was time to just make mine and we'll go from there.

As I cut out the pieces and appliqued the four squares, I thought I will make mine and then offer to do their kits.  So....not so much after I spent most of two days getting ready to sew the 35" square mat together.  I'm going to suggest they use their fabric for other things being they have never pieced anything like this.  It is up to them, of course.  I will most certainly help them if they want to make their kits.

The top is to quilt it but I'm a bit stymied on how I want to do that.  I have a few months to figure it out before the holidays are here. I've cut the backing and batting.  Now that it is this far, I think I will finish this up for my holiday table sooner than later.

We are having a lovely February here in Minnesota!  A whole week of temperatures in the 50's and 60's!  Winter isn't over but we're getting closer to spring.

Take care,

