70 Years of Dolls...

I come from a family of collectors.  Perhaps I am the most prolific though.  Of my many collections, my dolls have been with me my whole 70+ years.

I have my first doll...pictured with me and my Grandma.  She is made of composite. "Composition is generally a mixture of glue mixed with sawdust. Heavier and denser than paper mache, composition is easily molded and is thus an excellent material to make doll heads."  The Spruce  She is in her original dress.  She has moveable eyes and her arms and legs also move.  So far I haven't had to repair anything.  Her face is so sweet.
I believe this doll came from Montgomery Wards
Back in the day, most of my girl friends got home permanents.  I got Tony perms also.  My Mom later became a cosmologist - beautician plus - so from then on I got professional perms.  I've had this Tony (Gillette Co.) doll (middle one) since the mid-50's.  She's had a few permanents - that was the big selling point for this doll.  I'm not sure what her hair looked like originally but she still has all of it!  I think she is so pretty.  More recently, I purchased a couple other Tony dolls to add to my collection.  

My vintageToni is in the middle...
My storybook dolls
More storybook dolls, etc.
One of my first dolls - third from the right - she walks!
Fireman doll, skater doll with crocheted dress, my vintage Ginny dolls, etc.
My very own Mary Engelbreit doll - Ann Estelle
My daughter, Alissa, made these - Hubby and I (in our wedding garb), the Gardener and the Angel! 

There is so much to say about my dolls but I will never be able to publish this if I make sure you know all the details.  Maybe another time....

This is the cupboard that my Hubby made for my dolls right after we married 20+ years ago.  He is a keeper...it must be 7' tall.

Thanks for visiting and take care,




  1. hi there!
    looks like you still tend to your blog now and then, unlike some of us over here..... hope youre well!


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