Hello! I'm back!!!

Oh well - its been a few weeks since I've posted something - anything!  I guess I've been on sabbatical. 

I did participate in a five - yes, 5 day quilt retreat!  It was so much fun.  Usually we go for four days but we extended our October retreat.  Yay!

My little great granddaughter is one year old today!  So while at quilt camp I made her a couple of things.  I made her pillow case and bag that match the quilt I made her when she was born...remember the Crawling Baby quilt with the matching diaper bag.  I made her a little fabric ball too with kitties peeking out for her to see.  And you never have enough catchall's for sewing stuff so this little item wraps a coffee cup and is so handy!

Tote with matching pillow!

Raggy ball and sewing catchall!
This Halloween wallhanging has been in the works for a couple of years now...so I completed it - finally!!!  Now to find a place to hang it up for the next week.  It was so much fun to make but I never got it quilted and bound until this weekend.  Walla - fini!

Crazy Halloween wallhanging made with a charm pack!
There were a couple of other things I completed and a couple of things I almost completed.  Always a stack of UFO's - I find that comforting...never bored, always something waiting for me.

Now to get ready for our Holiday Sale Nov. 11 and 12!

Take care,
