It must be fall - I have knitting needles in my hands!

There are a couple of things that happen at our house signifying fall is close at hand.  Suddenly I begin to hunt for my knitting needles, crochet hooks, yarn and funky, easy patterns.  The next clue that fall is just around the corner is that my cat, Norma Jean, is usually found sitting on my lap.  The chill is in the air and its my favorite time of the year!

My knitting needles were calling me the other day so I set out to find them.  I have a bizillion baskets and tote bags filled with projects at various stages.  I like to be somewhat organized so I have projects in some kind of container with all the ingredients for that project.  Anyway I found my roll of bamboo needles in a small tote bag in my quilting room with an unfinished something that I began last winter I guess.  I love the bamboo needles as my hands age - something about the warmth of the bamboo instead of the cold metal.

With cooler weather coming quickly, I decided to make some wrist warmers that I found in the Chicks with Sticks knitting book.  They might come in handy when we take our trip up the fjords on the ferry being the temperatures in Norway have been similar to ours of late.  So I found some 100% worsted wool yarn and began my simple pattern.

Wrist Warmers:

Just cast on 32 stitches, then knit two, purl two, knitting in the knit stitches and purling in the purl stitches of each row for 7".  Cast off in knit and purl stitches.  To form the warmers sew the long side 4", then skip  1" - 1 1/2" for your thumb opening and then sew the remaining 2". 

Can't you see these in multiple colors? They would make great gifts for men/women/boys/girls.  Pretty easy to adjust the size smaller and larger I think.  I love projects that go fast and are serviceable for everyone of any age!

I love my old fashioned flower gardens...messy ones actually.  Other years I have done a better job of cutting flowers and bringing them in to arrange in my many, many flower vases.  I always bring in lilacs in the spring even if they don't last very long in the house.  I wonder what is different now than when I was young and we went to Aunt Dorothy's house in Cottage Grove to pick lilacs by the armfuls?  The bushes were so old and tall that we had to get the ladder out to cut some to bring home because all the flowers were at the top.  It seems like they would last for quite a while after they were cut.  Is there another smell so sweet and lovely as lilacs?  Maybe because we've been in the house for 6 months of winter that those first flowers are just heaven sent. 

Anyway, yesterday I picked some Rudbeckia (Brown-eyed Susan), some pink, cream and red zinnias with Queen Anne's Lace for accents.  It is so easy to do and looks so wonderful to have fresh, home grown flowers in different places in the house.  Next year I will remember to fill the house with my garden lovelies more often.

Off to make supper - meatloaf, baked potatoes, buttered corn, and coleslaw!  All I have to do is heat stuff and walla!  Then to begin the second warmer.  Oh! And then to make brownie cookies with chocolate chips and pecans. 

Brownie Cookie:

Mix together - One Brownie mix    1/3 oil   2 eggs    

Add 1 1/2 cups chocolate chips and I added 3/4 cup pecans.  Drop by tablespoon.  Bake for 11 - 14 min.  Cool and frost bottom of one cookie with whatever frosting you like and top with another cookie!  YUM!

Take care - its time to begin a project for yourself - something funky!  Let me know what you decide to make!

