Imagine our surprise when we arrived home from two weeks in Scandinavia to roses on the table, lasagna in the refrigerator, apple cake on the counter along with a beautiful card and lovely necklace! I celebrated my birthday in Stockholm but what a wonderful surprise awaited me at home! John and Addy picked out the roses - I love them!
Jen searched through my old pictures to make copies to use for my card and in my necklace! I love the old pictures, the flowered sofa my Mom and me are posing on and the horse I'm sitting on (made by my Dad for me!) My necklace has a picture of me too in all my pudgy glory! I can't wait to find a new outfit to wear with my new accessory! It's made on a glass slide with a handmade tiny flower with pearl center and it says "My Mother". I do love handmade gifts - don't you??? So thoughtful and creative.
My daughter and her family took great care of our dog, Honey, and our cat, Norma Jean. It was wonderful not having to worry about our furry "kids" at home. Norma Jean caught two mice while we were gone much to Jen's surprise! Norma had never hunted them down before so this was a very good thing - except to those who found them...(better her than me!)
While in Sweden, I commented that I would make spaghetti as soon as I got home after living on fancier food while traveling in Norway and Sweden. But I didn't have to cook when we got home - we had a great meal of lasagna about 30 minutes after we arrived home. It was a wonderful trip but it is nice to be home and in touch with family again!
We had a hard frost last night so I cut most of the roses off the bushes that my son in law, John, has given me for past Mother's Days! So beautiful to have all these roses in my house! Yay!
We are feeling less jet lag so I will post some of the 265 pictures I took in future posts. So many waterfalls, mountains, and fjord scenery I'd like to share with you...a few at a time so I don't shut down!
It's so good to be home!
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