Finishing a couple 2012 projects...

I love walking into my sewing room and discovering multiple projects that are almost complete.  There is nothing more satisfying than putting in that last stitch.

So that is what happened the other day when I found this table mat - pieced but not quilted.  After auditioning a few backing fabrics, I decided on a nice green print with gold and orange.  The large black floral print has every color in it so it was fun to see what worked best.  You can see the quilting I did on this piece...different that the usual swirls or meandering.  Trying to quilt out of the box a little - I did irregular line quilting and boxed a few of the flowers.  It was fun.

I haven't done much embroidering lately but found this linen towel that needed something I added a ruffle to spiff it up a bit.  I don't have a ruffler so its usually a pain to make ruffles...not difficult but time consuming.  The technique I used was to increase the tension of both the top and bottom thread.  Even after I doubled the fabric, it worked like a charm.  I like the results.

Now off to find some more half finished projects...or I could sew binding on 5 or 6 quilts.  Nah - need something a little more exciting.  That attitude could be why I have so many bindings to sew.

Take care and a very Happy New Year!



  1. Loved projects like that where they don't take long. Or you forgot about them, it's almost like a small gift!

    Love the projects you finished up. I love my no coffee no workee towel.


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