Melting in Minnesota!

Ok - enough hot and humidity already.  This is Minnesota...remember?  It is true that we've only had 3 or 4 days of this heat and high humidity but I give.  I have stuff to do and can't when it is like this - and I'm inside the house!

When I water the plants on the deck, they are dry before I get back into the house. The tomatoes are doing pretty good in the galvanized tubs and wheelbarrows but next year it is back into the ground where they do so much better.  I just didn't get the raised beds weeded in enough time....actually they aren't weeded yet!  Too much to do always!

The beans Addy and I planted the end of July are doing pretty good as long as the snow holds off for a couple more months!!!

We're going to the lake for four days next week and by Monday, we will have relief.  But and I say but!  I have to get stuff ready to take with and then there's food to make.  Jeez...

Well - not to go on and on too long, that's all I can think of to say because I am melting in Minnesota!  Funny - I just remembered that my most popular post is about too much snow... Ok - That's Enough Snow Now...never happy I guess.

Take care and take time to dig in the dirt and smell the roses or zinnias or petunias....they are all good.



  1. Yup..way too hot & humid...went to the farmer's market and 1 sale...inside the rest of the day..however, I can wait for winter! Have fun at the lake.


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