More Detail on Coffee Filter Flowers...

I suspected if I gave no details on how to make the flowers...someone would ask.  I did post pretty good pictures but at the time didn't want to take more time to explain.  I learned how to make these by watching a number of YouTube videos, written directions, and my own experience of making flowers for a long, long time.  So go to YouTube and search coffee filter flowers and you will find a bizillion videos to watch.  Its fun to see tips from each one you view...and come up with your own version.

So - here goes my first version...

After dying many filters, hold three filters together
and fold them in half and then in half again.

Scallop the edges...

Open the filters flat, poke your finger to the middle of the filters from the top
 while holding the bottom - pinch the bottom.

Pinched bottom of the filters...

Staple that little pinched area which will hold all layers together.

Lift the inside filter and squeeze together at base.

Squeeze the next filter up around the first and then the third
around the top two.  Do not squeeze more than half way up the
 filter, otherwise the center of your flower won't be pretty.

View from the bottom of the flower now...
continue to squeeze until you have this base.
If you want the flower fuller, add another filter
around the base and squeeze up around the base of
the other three filters.

Now look at the top and see how pretty it is!!!  You can wrap wire or a pipe cleaner
around base, wrap the wire with floral tape
and add leaves made out of dyed filters or music sheets or book pages.

These roses were made with directions from Craftberry Bush.

Truthfully, I made some minor changes along the way because I have made so many flowers through the will too as you make them.  What a fun, cheap material to use to make such pretty flowers....even if I do say so myself.  Ok - now I need a massage to work out the kinks for patting myself on the back!!!  

Have a great crafting day!!!  We're getting some snow again...the deck in now covered and I don't have to go anywhere for days if I don't want to or because I can't  get out of the driveway.

Take care,


  1. Your coffee filter roses are just Beautiful!!!
    I should give it a try!

  2. Thanks, Deb. I have to stop now and do something eating popcorn or peanuts. Just got a request for some off I got those done tonite. Lots of snow out there and its so nice and fluffy and coming down like a snowglobe snow.


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