A Day on Our Farm

I'm not sure that there is ever a typical day on our farm so today was no different.  I began the day in our Fixin' It pole barn, cleaning a couple windows so I could complete an order for a decorated window and getting another ready for our Farmgirls Country Sale that's coming so fast on August 5 & 6th!

Shantel has been coming once a week to help me organize and organize and today she was weeding and mulching!!!  Her son Jordan helped too!  Yay!

So here she is working on her creative endeavor!!!

Lots of weeds on both sides of my new sidewalk!!!

She asked for stepping stones and these were the only ones I could find!!!

Love the rabbits playing in my Alyssum!
Look no weeds in the Bee Balm!
Ok - so while she was glowing in the sun for 5 hours...I was decorating windows. What can I say??? They were dirty so I washed them, then I had to soak the grapevine, attach it and find a birdhouse and nests. Walking around between pole barn and barn and upstairs in the house and then finding the birdhouses back at the barn. I did get my exercise and cleared my head of lots of frustrations in the form of plenty of unspoken censored verbage!!!
Things that sell immediately at one sale are duplicated quickly for the next sale!
So much accomplished today with help!  Last time serious weeding got done was at our first sale in June when laughter could be heard across the yard while my youngest and a neighbor helped me with my gardens.  I am so grateful for the extra help - seems I don't get as much done lately.

I'm as happy as my pig in mulch!
Take care and when you need help, ask for it!



  1. Glowing in the sun, you are funny! silly gram it was the sun glistening off the sweat:) I had a ton of fun and believe it or not it was relaxing. A tad sad were taking a month off but we have gotten a lot accomplished!

  2. There is your comment! Yay! You will be kinda busy and pretty soon it will be Sept. We have gotten lots accomplished - lots more to do!

    It won't let me comment either unless I do it as Anon. DUMB!!!


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